Monday, March 31, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math Quiz Tuesday
(if storm day, quiz will be Wednesday)

4. Practice Lines for Concert

Friday, March 28, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave

2. Monday Day 1

3. Math: Multiplication Quiz Tuesday

4. Science: Read Lesson 7

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music

3. Math Multiplication Test Tuesday
Practice Multiplication Facts
Finish Problem Solving Booklets 1 & 2

4. Breadwinner Projects Due Monday

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets

2. Tomorrow Day 6

3. Math Quiz Tuesday
Finish #1 Booklet (a to e)

4. Practice Concert Parts

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
Kiss and Ride
Concert Tickets

2. Math:
Multiplication Quiz postponed until next Tuesday
Practice Multiplication Facts

3. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music

Friday, March 21, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes:
Shave for the Brave
Field Trip
Kiss and Ride

2. Monday Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Math
Review Multiplication Facts
Test on Multiplication Friday, March 28
Math p. 298 6, 8, 10

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
Field Trip Form

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math p. 298 #s 4, 5
Practice Math Multiplication Facts 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Math Homework from Last Night

4. Science read Lesson 5

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music

3. Math p. 293-294 #s 1, 3, 5, 6, 8

4. Supplies for Breadwinner Project

Friday, March 14, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tuesday Day 6 (Monday Holiday)

3. Breadwinner Projects:
Bring in Supplies if needed

4. Get Math Test Signed

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 5

3. Breadwinner Project 
(Pick Project/Get Supplies)

4. Sweat - a - thon Assembly 1:35

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 4
Early Dismissal for Interviews

3. Sign Up for Interviews

4. Starting Breadwinner Projects Tomorrow  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Report Cards (return envelopes)

2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Pick Breadwinner Project

4. Sign Up for Interviews

Monday, March 10, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math Test Tomorrow

4. Pick Breadwinner Project
(Get Supplies if needed)

Friday, March 7, 2014

les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Math Test Tuesday

3. Monday Day 1

4. Pick Breadwinner Project

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Forms Due

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
80s Day

3. Religion read The Healing Circle (starts on page 124). Work on Questions.

4. Math Test Tuesday

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Friday

2. Math Test Tuesday Fractions

3. Tomorrow Day 6

4. Finish Social Studies Chart 
Dreams, Hopes and Challenges

5. Finish Breadwinner Question

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Parent Teacher Interviews

2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music

3. Math: Finish Problem Solving Booklet
Test on Fractions Tuesday, March 11

4. Finish Health Response

Monday, March 3, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Sweat-a-thon 
Friday Afternoon

3. Tomorrow Day 4

4. Finish Wordle

5. Math - 
Finish first 3 pages of Problem Solving Booklet