1. Les Notes: Early Dismissal Thursday, PD Day Friday Breakfast Club Donations School Soccer Note Field Trip Note 2. jeudi jour 3 3. Science: Get Quiz Signed 4. Math: Finish Booklet Interpreting Data and Graphs
1. Les Notes: Sign up for Optis Interviews Grade 6 Girls Basketball Note Early Dismissal Next Thursday, PD Day Friday Breakfast Club Donations School Soccer Note 2. mercredi jour 2: needles, maybe gym, band 3. Science: Get Quiz Signed 4. Math: Finish Booklet Interpreting Data and Graphs
1. Les Notes: Sign up for Optis Interviews Grade 6 Girls Basketball Note Early Dismissal Next Thursday PD Day Friday 2. mardi jour 1: ordinateurs 3. Science: Get Quiz Signed 4. Math: Finish Questions on Cooling a Hot Drink (Line Graph Activity)
1. Les Notes: Sign up for Optis Interviews 2. mercredi jour 4: orchestre, musique, education physique 3. Math: Get Quiz Signed 4. Sciences: Quiz Vendredi *Guide d'etude* (We will have class review time)
1. Les Notes 2. lundi jour 2: orchestre, musique, education physique 3. Math: Work on Review Booklet Quiz Tuesday 4. Sciences: Quiz Vendredi *Guide d'etude* (We will have class review time)
1. Les Notes 2. vendredi jour 1: ordinateurs 3. Math: Work on Review Booklet Quiz Tuesday: describing tables, pattern rule, expressions, equivalent equations (regle de la regularite, expressions, equations equivalentes) 4. Sciences: Quiz Vendredi *Guide d'etude* (We will have class review time)
1. Les Notes: Sweat-a-thon (Thursday) Donation for Poppy 2. mercredi jour 3: Remembrance Day Assembly 9am tomorrow Guests Welcome 3. Math: Finish another sheet in booklet (Pattern Rules, Expressions)
1. Les Notes: Sweat-a-thon (Thursday) 2. mardi jour 2: orchestre Assembly Practice instead of gym/music 3. Remembrance Day Assembly Nov. 7 at 9am Parents and Guests Welcome 4. Math: Finish one extra sheet in booklet (Pattern Rules, Expressions)
1. Les Notes: Memo, Halloween Note Walk to School Notes, Photo Retakes Tomorrow 2. vendredi jour 2: orchestre, musique/education physique 3. Math: Test Tuesday, October 30th Work on Review Booklet
4. *Work on Halloween Stories* If you can and would like to add detail
1. Les Notes: Memo, Halloween Note Walk to School Notes, Photo Retakes Friday 2. jeudi jour 1: ordinateurs 3. Math: Test Tuesday, October 30th Factors, Prime/Composite, Multiples, Order of Operations, Integers (nombres entiers) 4. *Work on Halloween Stories* If you can and would like to add detail
1. Les Notes: Memo, Halloween Note Walk to School Notes 2. mercredi jour 7: musique/education physique 3. Math: Test Tuesday, October 30th Factors, Prime/Composite, Multiples, Order of Operations, Integers (nombres entiers) 4. *Work on Halloween Stories* If you can and would like to add detail
1. Les Notes: PD Day Monday Walk to School Notes 2. mardi jour 6: Full Band on Friday Instead Presentation from Bethany Downer NASA 3. Math: Finish 3 problems in multiples booklet
1. Les Notes: Jamarama Friday (Donation ~$2) Town Hall Meeting Note 2. vendredi jour 4: musique/education physique 3. Math: Finish 3 problems in multiples booklet
1. Les Notes: Photo Orders due Wednesday Jamarama Friday Town Hall Meeting Note 2. mercredi jour 2: education physique/musique/orchestre 3. Math: Finish first two pages factor booklet
1. Les Notes: Photo Orders due Wednesday SLA Orders due Tomorrow Jamarama Friday 2. mardi jour 1: salle des ordinateurs 3. Math: Finish first two pages factor booklet
1. Les Notes: Water Bottle, Items for Food Drive Cross Country Race Saturday (register) Holes Movie Thursday (Bring Snack) PD Day Friday, Holiday Monday 2. jeudi jour 1: salle des ordinateurs 3. Math Quiz Decimals: Wednesday, October 10
1. Les Notes: Water Bottle, Items for Food Drive Thanksgiving Assembly Tomorrow (for students) Cross Country Race Saturday (register) Holes Movie Thursday (Bring Snack) 2. mercredi jour 7: education physique/musique 3. Get Math Quiz Signed
1. Les Notes: Terry Fox Permission $2 Register for Race Online (NLAA) Photo Form 2. vendredi jour 6: Terry Fox Walk 3. L.A. - Finish List of Unique Words from Novel 4. Math: Finish Review Booklet Quiz: mercredi le 26 septembre
1. Les Notes: Terry Fox Permission $2 Register for Race Online (NLAA) (Practice Thursday after school until 3:15) 2. jeudi jour 5: les amis de lecture 3. Math: Finish Review Booklet Quiz: mercredi le 26 septembre (Standard, Number Word, Expanded Form, Place Value Chart, Decimal Notation, Estimating when Problem Solving)
1. Les Notes: Terry Fox Permission $2 Cross Country Note Register for Race Online (NLAA) (Practice Thursday after school until 3:15) 2. mercredi jour 4: musique/education physique 3. Language Arts: Why do you think Green Lake dried up? 4. Math: Finish Page 1 of Review Booklet
1. Les Notes: Terry Fox Permission $2 Cross Country Note Register for Race Online (NLAA) (Practice Thursday after school until 3:15) 2. mardi jour 3 3. Religion: Qu'est-ce que c'est le materialisme?
1. Les Notes: Cross Country Note (Practice Thursday after school until 3:15) 2. lundi jour 2: education physique musique 3. Math: Finish p. 48-49 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 4. Bring Old Shirt for Painting
1. Les Notes: Data, Memo, Orchestre, SLA, Media Cross Country Note (Practice Thursday after school until 3:15) 2. vendredi jour 1 3. Math: Finish p. 48-49 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 4. Bring Old Shirt for Painting
1. Les Notes: Data, Memo, Orchestre, SLA, Media Cross Country Note (Practice Thursday after school until 3:15) Curriculum Night Tonight at 7pm and 7:30pm 2. jeudi jour 7: musique/education physique 3. Bring Old Shirt for Painting
1. Les Notes: Data, Memo, Orchestre, SLA, Media Cross Country Note (Practice Thursday after school until 3:15) 2. mercredi jour 6: Curriculum Night 7pm 3. Bring Old Shirt for Painting
1. Les Notes: Data, Memo, Orchestre, SLA, Media 2. lundi jour 4: education physique et musique 3. Mathematiques: Multiplication Livret de nombres aux milliards #s 3 et 4
1. Les Notes: Data, Memo, Orchestre, SLA, Media 2. Demain Jour 3 3. Mathematiques: Multiplication Livret de nombres aux milliards #s 1 et 2 4. Language Arts: Finish Sketches of Camp Green Lake
1. Notes: Bring in Supplies (Only if you like) Giver Project 2. Grade 6/7 School Leaving Tuesday at 10am Parents Welcome 3. Tomorrow Day 4 4. Math: Work on Review #3
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Field Trip Tomorrow Looking Like a Possibility: Bring Snack, Drink, Toys that will fit in Backpack, Sunscreen, etc. Bring in Supplies (Only if you like) Giver Project 2. Grade 6/7 School Leaving Tuesday at 10am Parents Welcome 3. Tomorrow Day 3: Gym 4. Math: Work on Review #3
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Field Trip Thursday Looking Like a Possibility Bring in Supplies (Only if you like) Giver Project 2. Tomorrow Day 2: Music 3. Math: Work on Review (Chapters 4-7) 4. L.A.: Finish Giver Poem
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Field Trip Bring in Supplies (Only if you like) Giver Project 2. Tomorrow Day 1 3. Math Work on Review (Chapters 4-7) 4. L.A.: Finish two Giver Questions
1. Notes: No SLA Friday Bring in Supplies (Only if you like) Giver Project 2. Tomorrow Day 6: Full Band Morning 3. Math Work on Review (Chapters 4-7) 4. Board Game/Movie Afternoon Friday: Bring in Games, Movies, Snack
1. Notes: Run Club Making Tutus Thursday No SLA Friday Bring in Supplies (Only if you like) Giver Project 2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music 3. Math Finish Review (Chapters 1-3) 4. Board Game/Movie Afternoon Friday: Bring in Games, Movies, Snack
1. Notes: Permission Slip & $2 WVH Tomorrow Morning Thursday Day 2 2. Math Finish Probability Booklet (except for basketball activity) 3. Religion Finish Response on Rights (p.178)
1. Notes: Bring $10 for Clay School Lunch Orders due Tomorrow 2. Tuesday Day 5: Gym/Music Math Test 2D Geometry Wednesday, May 23 3. Math: Finish page 363 1,2,4,5
1. Notes: Run Club Permission Slip Donation for Run Club and Stella's Circle Run Club Tomorrow at 2:45
2. Tuesday Day 4: Band 3. Math: Worksheet Perimeter, Area, Volume Math Test Tuesday, May 1 Measuring and Constructing Angles Angles in a triangle and Quadrilateral Perimeter, Area, Volume 4. Science: Read Lesson 10 Science Test Thursday, May 3
2. Wednesday Day 7: Gym/Music Volunteer Assembly 3. Math: Finish all but last page of Estimating Angles Booklet 4. Run For It Meeting Tomorrow at Recess
1. Notes: Book Fair Delayed 1 Day Early Dismissal Thursday for Interviews Reports Going Home 2. Tomorrow Day 7: Gym/Music 3. Math: Get Quiz Signed Finish Questions on Pizza Money and String
1. Notes: Breadwinner Project Started :) School Lunch Orders 2. Monday Day 7: Gym/Music 3. Math: Quiz Multiplication with Decimals Estimation, Algorithm, Base 10 Thursday, March 15 Work on Review
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Field Trip Friday 2. Tuesday Day 5: Gym/Music 3. Finalists Practice Reading Speeches Public Speaking Night Thursday, March 1 at 7pm 4. Math: Test Fractions Thursday March 1 Finish Fraction Review Booklet 2 5. Social Studies: Finish Table on My Grandma
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Field Trip 2. Monday Day 4: Band 3. Finalists Practice Reading Speeches Public Speaking Night March 1 at 7pm 4. Math Test Fractions Thursday March 1 Finish Fraction Number Line
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Pledges Sweat-a-thon Tomorrow Permission Slip for Field Trip 2. Finalists Practice Reading Speeches Public Speaking Night March 1 at 7pm 4. Math Test Fractions Thursday March 1 Finish Fraction Number Line
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Pledges Permission Slip for Field Trip 2. Finalists Practice Reading Speeches Public Speaking Night Tonight at 7pm 4. Math Test Fractions Thursday March 1 Finish Fractions Booklet #2 "Normal" Pages and Only Number Line #3
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Pledges Permission Slip for Field Trip 2. Wednesday Day 1: 100th Day Celebrations 3. Finalists Practice Reading Speeches Public Speaking Night Wednesday at 7pm 4. Math Test Fractions Thursday March 1
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Pledges 100th Day February 21st (Shirts and Dress Up if you want) 2. Tuesday Day 7: Gym/Music 3. Finalists Practice Reading Speeches
1. Notes: Education Week, Teacher Appreciation Crazy Hair Day 2. Thursday day 6: Band 3. Practice Reading Speeches 4. 100th Day February 21st (Shirts and Dress Up if you want)
1. Notes: School Lunch Orders Education Week, Teacher Appreciation School Colours, May Go Outside 2. Tuesday Day 4: Band 3. Practice Reading Speeches 4. Math: Finish Fractions Booklet
1. Notes: School Lunch Orders Education Week, Teacher Appreciation Wear Red or Canada Day Clothes for Olympics (if you have them) 2. Friday Day 2: Music 3. Late Immersion Forms due Tomorrow 4. Math Fractions p. 211 2, 3, 4
1. Notes: Teacher Appreciation 2. Friday Day 4: Band 3. Math Test Ratios Feb. 6 Finish 1-3 Ratio Review Booklet #2 part to part and part to whole, equivalent ratios, ratios as fractions, percents and decimals, ratio number lines
1. Notes: Teacher Appreciation 2. Thursday Day 3: Gym 3. Math Test Ratios Feb. 6 Finish Ratio Number Line Worksheet Work on Review Booklet #1 part to part and part to whole, equivalent ratios, ratios as fractions, percents and decimals, ratio number lines
1. Notes: LFI Note Meeting: Jan. 30th at District Conference Centre 2. Tuesday Day 2 Music 3. Fashion Show Postponed until Wednesday (Bring in outfit) 4. Math Test Ratios Feb. 6 Finish Ratio Number Line Worksheet part to part and part to whole, equivalent ratios, ratios as fractions, percents and decimals, ratio number lines
1. Notes: LFI Note Meeting: Jan. 30th at District Conference Centre 2. Tuesday Day 1 DARE 3. Fashion Show Tuesday (Bring in outfit) 4. Math Test Ratios Feb. 6 part to part and part to whole, equivalent ratios, ratios as fractions, percents and decimals, ratio number lines
1. Notes: LFI Note Meeting: Jan. 30th at District Conference Centre 2. Monday Day 7: Gym/Music 3. Math: p. 188 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11 (if not completed) 4. Fashion Show Tuesday (Bring in outfit Monday)
1. Notes: LFI Note Meeting: Jan. 30th at District Conference Centre Shirt Order due Tomorrow Spelling Bee Tomorrow 2. Friday Day 6: Band 3. Math: p. 188 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11 4. Science Test Flight Tomorrow
1. Notes: LFI Note Meeting: Jan. 30th at District Conference Centre Shirt Order Spelling Bee Friday 2. Thursday Day 5: Gym/Music 3. Math: Work on Second Ratio Booklet 4. Science Test Flight Friday
1. Notes: LFI Note Meeting: Jan. 30th at District Conference Centre Shirt Order Spelling Bee Friday 2. Wednesday Day 4: Band 3. Math: p. 184 1-6 4. Science Test Flight Friday
1. Notes: LFI Note Parent Meeting: January 30th at District Conference Centre 2. Tuesday Day 3: Gym 3. Math: Finish Ratio Booklet (except last page) 4. Science Test Flight Friday
1. Notes: Heritage Fair, Memo 2. Thursday Day 7: Gym/Music 3. Math: Review Booklet and Extra Practice In-Class: Motion Geometry on January 19th 4. Think of Public Speaking Topic
1. Notes: Heritage Fair, Memo 2. Wednesday Day 6: Band 3. Math: Review Booklet and Extra Practice In-Class: Motion Geometry on January 19th 4. Think of Public Speaking Topic
1. Notes: SLA Orders, Heritage Fair 2. Tuesday Day 5: Gym/Music 3. Math: Work on Review Booklet (After Combined Worksheet) In-Class: Motion Geometry on January 19th 4. Think of Public Speaking Topic Choose Outfit for Fashion Show
1. Notes: SLA Orders 2. Monday Day 4: Band 3. Math: Finish Rotations Booklet In-Class: Motion Geometry on January 19th 4. Science Test Flight January 26th Study Guide Given 5. Think of Public Speaking Topic Choose Outfit for Fashion Show
1. Notes: SLA Orders 2. Tomorrow Day 3: Gym Heritage Fair Presentation 3. Math: Finish Rotations Booklet (except for last 2 questions) In-Class: Motion Geometry on January 19th 4. Science Test Flight January 26th Study Guide Given
1. Notes 2. Tomorrow Day 2: Band, Music 3. Math: Finish up to and including #1 on last page of Reflections Booklet In-Class: Motion Geometry on January 19th 4. Science Test Flight January 26th Study Guide to be given out tomorrow
1. Notes: Calendar 2. Tomorrow Day 7: Gym/Music 3. Math: Starting Unit on Motion Geometry Work On Translations Booklet 4. Science: Read Over Lesson 7 in Text