Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Bring Snack on Friday (Long recess, No Lunch, No School Lunch)

2. Thursday Day 4: Band

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Bring Snack on Friday

2. Wednesday Day 3: Gym

3. Science Finish Write Up on Drag Devices and Review 4 Forces of Flight

Monday, December 18, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Soccer
Bring Snack on Friday

2. Tuesday Day 2: Music

3. Math: 
Math In-Class Assignment Tomorrow
Line Graphs, Fair Survey Question/Sample, Coordinate Grid 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Soccer
Bring Lunch Friday (if did not order pizza)

2. Thursday Day 6: Band

3. Math: 
Math In-Class Assignment Next Tuesday

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Soccer
Pizza Orders due Tomorrow at 10am

2. Wednesday Day 5

3. Math: Finish Booklet on Coordinate Grids
(except for last page)
Math In-Class Assignment Next Tuesday

Monday, December 11, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Soccer, School Lunch

2. Tuesday Day 4: Band

3. Math: Finish Booklet on Coordinate Grids
(except for last page)

4. Science: Review how an airfoil produces lift

Friday, December 8, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Soccer, School Lunch

2. Monday Day 3: Gym, DARE

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Soccer, School Lunch

2. Friday Day 2: Play
Make sure to eat a good breakfast

3. Permission Slip and $ for Play

4. Science: 
Review Notes on Bernoulli's Principle and Airfoils

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Thursday Day 1

3. Permission Slip and $ for Play

4. Math: Line Graphs - 
Finish Questions on Temperatures and Car Value

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Wednesday Day 7: Gym/Music

3. Permission Slip and $ for Play

4. Math: Line Graphs - 
Finish Questions on Cooling a Hot Drink

Monday, December 4, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tuesday Day 6: Band

3. Permission Slip and $ for Play

4.Math: Line Graphs - 
Finish Graph of Population of Canada

5. Science: What happens when Air is Heated (Lesson 3 and Folder)

Friday, December 1, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Monday Day 5: Gym/Music

3. Permission Slip and $ for Play

4.Math: Line Graphs - Finish page 134: 2 and 4

5. Science: Study Properties of Air