Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch Donation
No School Lunch Friday
Bring a lunch if you did not order pizza
Friday could be Sports Day

2. Thursday Day 7: Gym/Music
LFI Trip to Beaconsfield

3. DARE Graduation June 5th at 1:30pm
Parents/Guardians welcome to attend

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch Donation
No School Lunch Friday
Bring a lunch if you did not order pizza

2. Wednesday Day 6: Band

3. DARE Graduation June 5th at 1:30pm
Parents/Guardians welcome to attend

4. Provincial Assessments are finished
(We will be starting a new math chapter and language arts novel study tomorrow)

Monday, May 29, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch Donation
Pizza Order due Tomorrow

2. Tuesday Day 5:Gym/Music

3. Provincial Assessments Tuesday

Friday, May 26, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch, Pizza Note

2. Monday Day 4

3. Provincial Assessments Monday

4. Math: Class Assignment on Probability Monday
(Open Book with teacher help)

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch, Pizza Note

2. Tomorrow Day 3: Music

3. Provincial Assessments Tomorrow

4. Math: Finish Booklet on Probability 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch, Provincial Assessment

2. Tomorrow Day 2: Gym

3. Provincial Assessments start Tomorrow

4. Review Features of Informational Texts 

5. Math: Finish Booklet on Probability 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch, Provincial Assessment

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Review Features of Informational Texts 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: No School Friday (PD)

2. Thursday Day 5: Gym/Music

3. Math: Get Measurement Test Signed

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Wednesday Day 4: Band

3. Math: Get Measurement Test Signed

4. Science Test Wednesday May 17th *Study*

Monday, May 15, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: SLA due Tuesday, May 16
Presenting Religion: Monday, May 15

2. Tuesday Day 3: Music

3. Math: Get Measurement Test Signed

4. Science Test Wednesday May 17th *Study*

Friday, May 12, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: SLA due Tuesday, May 16
Presenting Religion: Monday, May 15

2. Monday Day 2: Gym

3. Math: Get Measurement Test Signed

4. Science Test Wednesday May 17th *Study*

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pizza Friday May 12
Ask about Presenting Religion: Monday, May 15

2. Friday Day 1

3. Math: Measurement Test Friday May 12th

4. Science Test Wednesday May 17th

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pizza Friday May 12

2. Thursday Day 7: Gym/Music

3. Math: Measurement Test Friday May 12th
Finish p. 285 1, 2, 6, 7

4. Science Test Wednesday May 17th

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Baseball (25.00 deposit)
Pizza Friday May 12

2. Wednesday Day 6: Band

3. Math: Measurement Test Friday May 12th
Finish Review Booklet

4. Science Test Wednesday May 17th

Monday, May 8, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Baseball (25.00 deposit)
Pizza Friday May 12

2. Tuesday Day 5: Gym/Music

3. Math: Measurement Test Friday May 12th
Measuring and Drawing Angles
Benchmark Angles, Types of Angles
Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Perimeter, Area and Volume
Review: Finish 1, 2, 3

Friday, May 5, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Jump Rope for Heart (forms were due Friday) Cannot go without 3 consents
Baseball (25.00 deposit)
Pizza Friday May 12

2. Monday Day 4: Band

3. Math: Measurement Test Friday May 12th
Measuring and Drawing Angles
Benchmark Angles, Types of Angles
Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Perimeter, Area and Volume

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Jump Rope for Heart, Baseball

2. Tomorrow Day 3: Music

3. Math: Finish Angles Booklet
Estimating and Drawing Angles
Exploring Sum of Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals

4. Think about DARE essay

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Jump Rope for Heart, Baseball

2. Tomorrow Day 2: Gym

3. Math: Finish Angles Booklet
Estimating and Drawing Angles
Exploring Sum of Angles in Triangles and Quadrilaterals

4. Think about DARE essay

5. Science: Read Lesson 9

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Jump Rope for Heart, Baseball

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Math: Finish first 3 pages of Angles Booklet
Estimating and Drawing Angles
Exploring Sums of Angles

4. Think about DARE essay