Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Newsletter, School Lunch

2. demain jour 7: musique/education physique

3. Math: 
Show the factors of 32 with a Factor Rainbow, Arrays and Multiplication Sentences

Monday, September 29, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Get Math Test Signed

2. demain jour 6

3. Math: Show the factors of 36 and 18 in a factor rainbow, array and with multiplication sentences

Friday, September 26, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Get Math Quiz Signed
**Start Practicing Multiplication Facts**

3. lundi jour 5: musique/education physique

4. Science (if not passed in)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Terry Fox Walk Permission
Wear clothes for walking

2. demain jour 4

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Terry Fox Walk Form needs to be signed and returned.

2. demain jour 3

3. Math Quiz Tomorrow
Decimals, Place Value, Word Form, Number Word Form, Base 10 Blocks

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Terry Fox Walk

2. Picture Day Tomorrow

3. Math Quiz Thursday
Go Over Review

4. demain jour 2
musique/education physique

Friday, September 19, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. lundi jour 7: musique/education phsique

3. Math: Mini-Quiz Decimals Thursday
Sign and Return Math Quiz 1

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. demain jour 6

3. Math Finish Worksheet on Decimals

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. mardi Jour 3

3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*

4. Math 
Review Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Memo about School Lunch

2. lundi Jour 2: musique/education physique

3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*

4. Math 
Review Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Return Data Form
Memo about Curriculum Night

2. Demain Jour 1

3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*

4. Curriculum Night Tonight
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm

4. Math 
Finish Number Line Worksheet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Return Data Form
Memo about Curriculum Night

2. Demain Jour 7: musique/education physique

3. Curriculum Night Thursday Night
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm

4. Math 
Finish p. 48, 49 1, 2, 3, 9
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Return Data Form

2. Demain Jour 6

3. Curriculum Night Thursday Night
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm

4. Math Finish Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: 
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band

2. mardi Jour 5: Gym/Music

3.Bring a Painting Shirt (old shirt)

4. Math Worksheet on Decimal Notation

5. Curriculum Night Thursday 7-8pm
Elementary at 7:30 pm

Friday, September 5, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: 
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band

2. lundi Jour 4: bring a Painting Shirt (old shirt)

3. DARE starts Monday morning

4. Math Finish p. 38 #s 1, 2, 3

5. Curriculum Night Next Thursday

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: 
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band

2. Demain Jour 3

3. DARE starts Monday morning

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Welcome to Grade 6

2. Notes

3. School Supplies

4. Gym/Music Tomorrow