1. Notes:
Feast of Cowan
2. demain jour 3:
Bring Movie Snack (if you would like)
3. Math Finish p. 106, 107
#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (show your workings)
4. Get Data Management Assignment Signed
1. Notes:
School Lunch due Tomorrow
Feast of Cowan
2. demain jour 2: special music presentation
3. Math Finish p. 106, 107
#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (show your workings)
4. Get Data Management Assignment Signed
1. Notes: School Lunch due Dec. 16 (Tuesday)
2. lundi jour 1
1. Notes
2. demain jour 7: musique/education physique
3. Presenting Musical Instruments Tomorrow
4. Finishing Math Assignment Tomorrow
1. Notes: School Lunch Forms due Dec. 16
2. Movie Tomorrow: Bring Snack
Leaving Right Away
3. Math In Class Assignment Tomorrow
4. Presenting Music Instruments Friday
1. Notes: Permission for Movie
2. demain jour 5
3. No Gym/Music - Concert Matinee
4. Math In Class Assignment Thursday
Go Over Review Brainstorming Sheet
1. Notes: Permission for Movie
2. mardi jour 4
3. Math: In Class Assignment for Data Management Next Week (Thursday)
Finish Coordinate Grid Booklet
4. Science
1. Notes: Permission for Movie
2. lundi jour 3
3. Math: In Class Assignment for Data Management Next Week (Thursday)
1. Notes: Permission for Movie
2. demain jour 2
3. Math Finish First 2 pages of Booklet:
Both called "Coordinate Geometry"
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Movie
2. demain jour 1
3. Math Finish Sheets:
Complete Worksheet "Creating a Questionnaire" (p.3 of Booklet)
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Movie
2. demain jour 7
3. DARE Graduation December 3 at 9am
4. Math Finish Sheets:
Improving Survey Questions
Collecting Data
1. Notes: Permission Slip for Movie
2. demain jour 6
3. DARE Graduation December 3 at 9am
4. Math Finish Line Graph of Population of Canada
1. Notes
2. lundi jour 5: musique/education physique
3. DARE Graduation Dec. 3 9am
4. Math Finish p.134 #2
1. Notes:Fundraiser Note
2. demain jour 3
3. Dismissal at 11:15am Tomorrow
(for Interviews)
4. DARE Essay due Tomorrow
1. Notes:
Book Fair Note (We go Wednesday afternoon)
Fundraiser Note
2. mercredi jour 2: musique/education physique
3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am
4. Report Cards
Sign Up for Interviews on Optis
Dismiss 11:15 am on Thursday
5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)
6. Get Math Test Signed
Math Finish Questions p.128 1-4
1. Notes: Book Fair Note (We go Wednesday)
Fundraiser Note
2. mardi jour 1
3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am
4. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis
5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)
6. Get Math Test Signed
Math Finish Questions on Line Graph
1. Notes: Book Fair Note
2. lundi jour 7: education physique
3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am
4. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis
5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)
6. Get Math Test Signed
1. Notes: Book Fair Note
2. demain jour 6
3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am
4. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis
5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)
6. Science
1. Notes: Book Fair Note
2. Clothing and Photo Orders due Tomorrow
3. demain jour 5: musique/education physique
4. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am
5. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis
1. Notes: Clothing and Photo Orders due Thursday
2. demain jour 4
3. Math Test Patterns Tomorrow
4. DARE essay
1. Notes
2. School Lunch Orders due Tomorrow
3. Clothing Orders due Thursday
4. Math Test Wednesday
Unit 3 Patterns
1. Notes: Clothing Order, DARE Note
2. Dare Graduation December 3rd at 9am
Work on DARE Essay
3. Math Finish Review Sheets
Test November 19th
4. lundi jour 2: musique/education physique
1. Notes
2. Demain jour 1
3. Dare Graduation December 3rd at 9am
Start thinking of Ideas for Dare Essay
4. Finish Math Review Booklet
Math test November 19th
5. Science
1. Notes: School Lunch Orders due November 18th
Clothing Orders
2. Demain jour 7: DARE, musique/education physique
3. Math Test November 19th
Review Notes and and Worksheet on Equivalent Equations with the 4 Operations
4. Book Orders due tomorrow
1. Notes: Clothing Order
2. mercredi jour 6
3. Math: Finish Modelling Equations Worksheet
Test on November 19th
Patterns, Pattern Rules
Algebraic Expressions, Equivalent Equations
1. Notes
2. demain jour 5: musique/education physique
3. Math Finish first 3 pages of Booklet
4. Science Finish Chart
1. Notes: DARE, Clothing Order, Book Fair Note
2. Demain jour 4
3. Finish Math Worksheet
Pattern Rules and Expressions
4. Science
1. Notes: Clothing Order, Book Fair Note
2. demain jour 3: DARE
3. Math to be completed from last class
1. Notes:
2. vendredi: jour 7 musique/education physique
3. Math:
Complete p.14 #s 4, 5 and p. 29 #4
4. Halloween Fair Friday Afternoon
5. PD Day Monday
1. Notes:
Note for Vaccinations
2. jeudi: jour 6
3. Math:
Complete Booklet: Pattern Rules and Expressions
4. Halloween Fair Friday Afternoon
1. Notes:
Note for Vaccinations
Play Note
2. mardi: jour 4
3. Practice for Halloween Play
Bring in Costume
4. Science Test October 29th
5. Sign and Return Math Test
Math: Complete Problem of the Day
1. Notes:
Note for Vaccinations
Play Note
No school Friday
2. lundi: jour 3
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Science Test October 29th
5. Sign and Return Math Test
Math: Finish Booklet and Bonus Problem
1. Notes:
Note for Vaccinations
Photo Forms due Tomorrow
No school Friday
2. jeudi: jour 1
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Science Test October 29th
5. Sign and Return Math Test
1. Notes:
Note for Vaccinations
Photo Forms
2. mercredi jour 7: musique/education physique
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Science Test October 29th
1. Notes: Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders
(due Tomorrow no late orders)
Money for Ghost Pins
2. mardi jour 6
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Math:Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Science Test October 29th
1. Notes:
Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders
Money for Ghost Pins
2. lundi jour 5: musique/education physique
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Math:Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Science Test October 29th
1. Notes:
Permission Slip for Friday Sportsfest
Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders
Money for Ghost Pins
2. vendredi jour 4
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Math:Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Science Test October 29th
1. Notes:
Permission Slip for Friday Sportsfest
Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders
Money for Ghost Pins
2. jeudi jour 3: Pajamarama
(bring donation if you would like)
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Math:
Finish p. 92 #s 1, 2, 4 and p. 96 #s 2, 5, 6
Math Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Science Test October 29th
1. Notes:
Permission Slip for Friday
Go Girls
Photo Packages
2. mercredi jour 2: musique/education physique
3. Practice for Halloween Play
4. Math:
Finish p. 92 #s 1, 2, 4 and p. 96 #s 2, 5, 6
Math Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations
1. Notes: Permission Slip for next Friday
2. mardi jour 1
3. Practice the Halloween Play
4. Math Test October 21
1. Notes: Go Girls, Walk to School
2. demain jour 6
3. Practice Halloween Play
4. Finish Math Worksheets on Multiples
5. Science
1. Notes: Walk to School
2. demain jour 4
3. Math:
Finish Factors Worksheet and p. 80 1, 2
4. Science
5. Practice Play
1. Notes
2. lundi jour 3
3. Math Finish Work on Prime and Composite
4. A pratiquer: le spectacle d'Halloween
5. Science: Jot Notes
1. Notes
2. demain jour 2: musique/education physique
3. Math Finish Sheet: Prime and Composite
4. Science
1. Notes
2. demain jour 1
3. Math Finish Questions on Factors
4. Science
1. Notes: Newsletter, School Lunch
2. demain jour 7: musique/education physique
3. Math:
Show the factors of 32 with a Factor Rainbow, Arrays and Multiplication Sentences
1. Notes: Get Math Test Signed
2. demain jour 6
3. Math: Show the factors of 36 and 18 in a factor rainbow, array and with multiplication sentences
1. Notes
2. Get Math Quiz Signed
**Start Practicing Multiplication Facts**
3. lundi jour 5: musique/education physique
4. Science (if not passed in)
1. Notes: Terry Fox Walk Permission
Wear clothes for walking
2. demain jour 4
1. Notes:
Terry Fox Walk Form needs to be signed and returned.
2. demain jour 3
3. Math Quiz Tomorrow
Decimals, Place Value, Word Form, Number Word Form, Base 10 Blocks
1. Notes: Terry Fox Walk
2. Picture Day Tomorrow
3. Math Quiz Thursday
Go Over Review
4. demain jour 2
musique/education physique
1. Notes
2. lundi jour 7: musique/education phsique
3. Math: Mini-Quiz Decimals Thursday
Sign and Return Math Quiz 1
1. Notes
2. demain jour 6
3. Math Finish Worksheet on Decimals
1. Notes
2. demain jour 4
3. Math Quiz Tomorrow
1. Notes
2. mardi Jour 3
3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*
4. Math
Review Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)
1. Notes: Memo about School Lunch
2. lundi Jour 2: musique/education physique
3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*
4. Math
Review Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)
1. Notes: Return Data Form
Memo about Curriculum Night
2. Demain Jour 1
3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*
4. Curriculum Night Tonight
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm
4. Math
Finish Number Line Worksheet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)
1. Notes: Return Data Form
Memo about Curriculum Night
2. Demain Jour 7: musique/education physique
3. Curriculum Night Thursday Night
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm
4. Math
Finish p. 48, 49 1, 2, 3, 9
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)
1. Notes: Return Data Form
2. Demain Jour 6
3. Curriculum Night Thursday Night
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm
4. Math Finish Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)
1. Notes:
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band
2. mardi Jour 5: Gym/Music
3.Bring a Painting Shirt (old shirt)
4. Math Worksheet on Decimal Notation
5. Curriculum Night Thursday 7-8pm
Elementary at 7:30 pm
1. Notes:
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band
2. lundi Jour 4: bring a Painting Shirt (old shirt)
3. DARE starts Monday morning
4. Math Finish p. 38 #s 1, 2, 3
5. Curriculum Night Next Thursday
1. Notes:
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band
2. Demain Jour 3
3. DARE starts Monday morning
1. Welcome to Grade 6
2. Notes
3. School Supplies
4. Gym/Music Tomorrow
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 2
3. Health read pages 113 to 119
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 1
3. Science read Lesson 10
4. Health read pages 106-112
1. Notes: Hershey
2. Tomorrow Day 6
3. Provincial Assessments Finished
4. Friday Afternoon - Weather Permitting
We will go outside for the afternoon.
Bring a small snack if you wish.
1. Notes: Hershey
2. Tomorrow Day 5 Gym/Music
3. Last Day for Provincial Assessments
4. Friday Afternoon - Weather Permitting
We will go outside for the afternoon.
Bring a small snack if you wish.
1. Notes:
Hershey Form, Provincial Assessment Form
2. Tomorrow Day 4
3. Finish The Giver Response
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 3
3. Start of Provincial Math Assessments
4. Cafeteria Service ends Friday
1. Notes
2. Monday Day 2
3. Math Review
(Provincial Assessments begin Tuesday)
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 1: Skipping Performance at 1pm
3. Math - Review from the Year
(Provincial Assessments Next Week)
4. Science - Finish Electricity Worksheets
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 7: Gym/Music
3. Math:
p.330, 331 #s 1, 2, 5, 6
p. 333 #1
4. Science - Read Lessons 6 and 7
5. Health - Finish Response
1. Notes: Photo Forms
2. Tomorrow Day 5
(if not Sports Day: Gym/Music)
3. Possible Sports Day (Bring Recess and Lunch)
*Sunscreen and Dress in Layers*
4. Math Finish Booklet on Probability
1. Notes
2. Monday Day 4
3. Softball Throw for Hershey on Monday
4. Review Health Ch. 4
5. Possible Sports Day Tuesday June 3rd
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 3: Gym/Music
3. Bring Snack for Afternoon
4. Review Health Ch. 4
1. Notes: Hershey
2. Tomorrow Day 2
3. Math - Finish Worksheet
4. Review Ch. 4 Health
Assignment Monday
1. Notes: Hershey Try Outs Thursday
2. Tomorrow Day 1
3. Science read Lesson 5
1. Notes
2. Monday Pd Day No School
3. Tuesday Day 7 Gym/Music
4. Finish Math work on Classifying Triangles
p. 352 1., 2., 3., 4.
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music
3. No School Monday PD day
4. Science Read Lesson 4
5. Finish Presenting Religion Projects
2. Tomorrow Day 4: Band, Buddy Reading
3. Finish Presenting Religion
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Religion Projects:
To be presented starting tomorrow
4. Science Read Lesson 3 in Text
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 1 - Library/Computer Lab
3. Science read Lessons 1&2
4. Religion Project -
Make sure to get permission if you plan on cooking
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
3. Get Math and Science Tests signed
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 6
3. Rotary Tomorrow Afternoon
4. Finish Health Crossword
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music
3. Math Test Tomorrow Angles
4. Finish Health Crossword Chapter 4
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Math Finish First 2 Pages of Review
4. Math Test Tuesday: Angles
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 2: Band
3. Science Test Tomorrow
4. Math Finish Missing Measures: Quadrilaterals
(page 3 No Protractor Required)
Add up 3 angles, subtract from 360. That is the missing measurement
5. Math Test Next Tuesday
Types of Angles
Measuring and Drawing Angles
The Angles in a Triangle and Quadrilateral
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow PD Day (no school)
Wednesday Day 1
3. Science Test Thursday May 8th
Lessons 1-9
4. Math -
Finish First 3 pages of Problem Solving Booklet
1. Notes
2. Monday Day 6
3. Health read pages 84-89
4. Finish Math Booklet on Angles
5. Science Test Thursday May 8th
1. Notes: Photo Form
2. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music
3. Science Test May 8th Lesson 1-9
4. Health read pages 78-83
1. Notes
2. Science Test Space May 8th
(lessons 1-9)
3. Math Finish Benchmark- Estimating Angles
in Booklet
4. Tomorrow Day 4
1. Notes
2. Science Test May 8th
Study Guide Given Today
(Lessons 1-9)
3. Tomorrow Day 3 Gym/Music
1. Notes
2. Science Read Lesson 9
Test Unit 3: Space May 8th
Lessons 1-9
(Study Guide will be given out tomorrow)
3. Tomorrow Day 2 (Band)
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
2. Tomorrow Day 6
3. Band Students: Practice!!!
4. Math Quiz Division Tomorrow
Finish p. 320 #s 12, 13
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music
3. Math Finish Review #2
Practice Multiplication Facts
Quiz on Wednesday
4. For Media Literacy with QR Codes:
Bring in Smartphones, ipods, ipads with i-nigma
(only need one per group)
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave, Badminton
2. Tomorrow Day 3: Gym/Music
3. Math - Finish first 2 pages of Review
Quiz Wednesday (division)
Practice Multiplication Facts
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave, Badminton
2. Math: Finish first 3 pages of Division Booklet
*Practice Multiplication Facts!!!!*
Math Quiz Next Wednesday (Division)
3. Science read Lesson 8 in text
4. Tomorrow Day 2
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 1
3. Math - Practice Multiplication Facts
(You NEED to know them!!!)
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 7: Music/Gym
3. Practice Long Division (3 Problems)
4. Finish Religion Response
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
2. Monday Day 6
3. Math: Finish Estimating Quotients (4 problems)
4. Get Math Test Signed
1. Notes:Shave for the Brave
2. Tomorrow Dress Rehearsal for Concert in the Afternoon (Bring your outfit to change into)
-Outfits from 1950s
3. Concert Tomorrow Night 7pm
4. Band Practice
1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave
2. Tomorrow Day 2
3. Math Quiz Tuesday
(if storm day, quiz will be Wednesday)
4. Practice Lines for Concert
1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave
2. Monday Day 1
3. Math: Multiplication Quiz Tuesday
4. Science: Read Lesson 7
1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave
2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
3. Math Multiplication Test Tuesday
Practice Multiplication Facts
Finish Problem Solving Booklets 1 & 2
4. Breadwinner Projects Due Monday
1. Notes: Concert Tickets
2. Tomorrow Day 6
3. Math Quiz Tuesday
Finish #1 Booklet (a to e)
4. Practice Concert Parts
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
Kiss and Ride
Concert Tickets
2. Math:
Multiplication Quiz postponed until next Tuesday
Practice Multiplication Facts
3. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music
1. Notes:
Shave for the Brave
Field Trip
Kiss and Ride
2. Monday Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Math
Review Multiplication Facts
Test on Multiplication Friday, March 28
Math p. 298 6, 8, 10
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
Field Trip Form
2. Tomorrow Day 2
3. Math p. 298 #s 4, 5
Practice Math Multiplication Facts
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
2. Tomorrow Day 1
3. Math Homework from Last Night
4. Science read Lesson 5
1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
3. Math p. 293-294 #s 1, 3, 5, 6, 8
4. Supplies for Breadwinner Project
1. Notes
2. Tuesday Day 6 (Monday Holiday)
3. Breadwinner Projects:
Bring in Supplies if needed
4. Get Math Test Signed
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 5
3. Breadwinner Project
(Pick Project/Get Supplies)
4. Sweat - a - thon Assembly 1:35
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 4
Early Dismissal for Interviews
3. Sign Up for Interviews
4. Starting Breadwinner Projects Tomorrow
1. Notes: Report Cards (return envelopes)
2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Pick Breadwinner Project
4. Sign Up for Interviews
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 2
3. Math Test Tomorrow
4. Pick Breadwinner Project
(Get Supplies if needed)
1. Notes
2. Math Test Tuesday
3. Monday Day 1
4. Pick Breadwinner Project
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Forms Due
2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
80s Day
3. Religion read The Healing Circle (starts on page 124). Work on Questions.
4. Math Test Tuesday
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Friday
2. Math Test Tuesday Fractions
3. Tomorrow Day 6
4. Finish Social Studies Chart
Dreams, Hopes and Challenges
5. Finish Breadwinner Question
1. Notes:
Parent Teacher Interviews
2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music
3. Math: Finish Problem Solving Booklet
Test on Fractions Tuesday, March 11
4. Finish Health Response
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
2. Sweat-a-thon
Friday Afternoon
3. Tomorrow Day 4
4. Finish Wordle
5. Math -
Finish first 3 pages of Problem Solving Booklet
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
Sweat-a-thon Friday, March 7th
2. Monday Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Religion - Read pages 41-46
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon, Pledge Sheet
2. Tomorrow Day 2
3. Math - Finish Fraction Booklet
4. Science - Read Lesson 4
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
2. Tomorrow Day 1
3. Finish Breadwinner Response
4. Finish Religion Response
(on "The Crescent Moon" )
5. Math: Finish first 3 pages of Problem Solving Booklet
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
3. Religion read pages 47-53
4. Science read Lesson 3
5. Health - Finish response on Setting Goals
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
2. Monday: Olympics Activities
Come Prepared with gym and outdoor clothing
3. Wear Colours of your Country
4. Finish Factors that Shape Culture Worksheet
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
2. Grade Six Olympic Activities
In case outside, bring coat, boots, gloves, hat
3. Torch Run CANADA!!!!!
4. Toilet Tissue Rolls
1. Notes: Pledge Sheets
2. Bring in Toilet Tissue Roll
3. Math Test Tomorrow
*Bring Home Review
4. Torch Run Japan
5. Grade Six Olympic Activities Thursday
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
Opening Ceremony: Wear Colours of Flag
Bring Toilet Tissue Roll
3. Math Test Next Wednesday
Finish Sheet On Number Lines
4. Read Religion pages 22-30
1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
2. Tomorrow Day 6
3. Religion read pages 14-21
4. Italy Torch Run
1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon
2. Tomorrow Day 5 Gym/Music
3. Math Test Next Wednesday
Finish Number Line
4. Torch Run Norway
1. Notes
2. Olympic Torch Run Begins Tomorrow at Lunch
*Russia Tomorrow*
3. Public Speaking Thursday at 7pm
4. Bring Toilet Tissue Roll
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 1
3. Public Speaking Presentations Tomorrow
4. Friday PD Day
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 7: Gym/Music
3. Math Finish first two sheets in Booklet
4. Social Studies Finish Worksheet
5. Bring in extra folders/exercises if needed
6. Presenting Speeches Thursday
1. Notes
2. Bring in extra folders/exercises if needed
3. Math Finish Worksheet on Ratios
4. Social Studies - Finish Worksheet (on parts of the textbook)
5. Tomorrow Day 6
1. Notes
2. Monday Day 5 - Gym/Music
3. Starting English Block:
Bring in New Folders and Exercises if Needed
4. Get Science Test Signed
1. Notes: Heritage Fair
2. Tomorrow Day 4 - Buddy Reading
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Science Test Tomorrow
4. Math - p. 184-185 1, 2, 5, 6, 10
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 2
3. Math Finish Booklet on Ratios
4. Science Test Thursday
5. Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 5pm
6. Bring in Money for Book
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 1
3. Math - Finish Phone Number Ratios
Get Math In Class Signed
4. Science Test Thursday
1. Notes: French Immersion Forms
2. Monday Day 7 - Gym/Music
3. Science Study for Test
4. Get Math In Class Signed
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
2. Tomorrow Day 6: Paper Airplane Challenge
3. Science - Study for Test
4. Public Speaking Research
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
2. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music
3. Public Speaking Research
4. Science Test - Next Thursday
**Start Studying**
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
2. Author Presentation
3. Math In Class Tomorrow
4. Tomorrow Day 4
5. Public Speaking Research
6. Science Test: Flight-January 30th
1. Notes: French Immersion Forms
2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Public Speaking Research
4. Math - Work on Review
In class on Wednesday
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
2. Monday Day 2
3. Public Speaking: Choose a Topic
(Do Research at home if you want)
4. Loser Novel Study due January 17th
5. Math In Class Wednesday
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
2. Novel Study Due Tomorrow
3. Math In Class Assignment Motion Geometry
Next Wednesday
4. Late Immersion Meeting Tonight
5. Tomorrow Day 1
1. Notes: Late Immersion Forms
2. Late Immersion Meeting Thursday at 7pm
3. Novel Study Due Friday
4. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
2. Late Immersion Meeting Thursday, January 16th at 7pm (District School)
3. Math - page 149 #2
Review Notes on Rotations
4. Tomorrow Day 6
5. Loser Novel Study Due Friday
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
(Meeting Tomorrow Night at District School)
2. Math -
Finish 3 Questions on Translations and Reflections
3. Tomorrow Day 5: Music/ Gym
4. Loser Novel Study Due Friday
1. Notes: French Immersion Form
2. Monday Day 4 Buddy Reading
3. Loser Novel Study
1. Notes: Late Immersion Form
2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music
3. Science Read Lesson 8