Tuesday, December 16, 2014

1. Notes: 
Feast of Cowan

2. demain jour 3: 
Bring Movie Snack (if you would like)

3. Math Finish p. 106, 107 
#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (show your workings)

4. Get Data Management Assignment Signed 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
School Lunch due Tomorrow
Feast of Cowan

2. demain jour 2: special music presentation

3. Math Finish p. 106, 107 
#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (show your workings)

4. Get Data Management Assignment Signed 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. demain jour 7: musique/education physique

3. Presenting Musical Instruments Tomorrow 

4. Finishing Math Assignment Tomorrow 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch Forms due Dec. 16

2. Movie Tomorrow: Bring Snack
Leaving Right Away

3. Math In Class Assignment Tomorrow

4. Presenting Music Instruments Friday

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission for Movie

2. demain jour 5

3. No Gym/Music - Concert Matinee

4. Math In Class Assignment Thursday
Go Over Review Brainstorming Sheet

Monday, December 8, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission for Movie

2. mardi jour 4

3. Math: In Class Assignment for Data Management Next Week (Thursday)
Finish Coordinate Grid Booklet

4. Science

Friday, December 5, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission for Movie

2. lundi jour 3

3. Math: In Class Assignment for Data Management Next Week (Thursday)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission for Movie

2. demain jour 2

3. Math Finish First 2 pages of Booklet:
Both called "Coordinate Geometry"

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission Slip for Movie

2. demain jour 1

3. Math Finish Sheets:
Complete Worksheet "Creating a Questionnaire" (p.3 of Booklet)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission Slip for Movie

2. demain jour 7

3. DARE Graduation December 3 at 9am

4. Math Finish Sheets:
Improving Survey Questions
Collecting Data

Monday, December 1, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission Slip for Movie

2. demain jour 6

3. DARE Graduation December 3 at 9am

4. Math Finish Line Graph of Population of Canada

Friday, November 28, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. lundi jour 5: musique/education physique

3. DARE Graduation Dec. 3 9am

4. Math Finish p.134 #2

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes:Fundraiser Note

2. demain jour 3

3. Dismissal at 11:15am Tomorrow
(for Interviews)

4. DARE Essay due Tomorrow

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Book Fair Note (We go Wednesday afternoon)
Fundraiser Note

2. mercredi jour 2: musique/education physique

3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am

4. Report Cards
Sign Up for Interviews on Optis
Dismiss 11:15 am on Thursday

5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)

6. Get Math Test Signed
Math Finish Questions p.128 1-4

Monday, November 24, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Book Fair Note (We go Wednesday)
Fundraiser Note

2. mardi jour 1

3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am

4. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis

5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)

6. Get Math Test Signed
Math Finish Questions on Line Graph

Friday, November 21, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Book Fair Note

2. lundi jour 7: education physique

3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am

4. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis

5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)

6. Get Math Test Signed

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Book Fair Note

2. demain jour 6

3. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am

4. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis

5. Music: Bring In Instrument Supplies
(Do not buy anything)

6. Science

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Book Fair Note

2. Clothing and Photo Orders due Tomorrow

3. demain jour 5: musique/education physique

4. DARE Essay due November 27th
DARE Graduation December 3rd 9am

5. Sign Up for Interviews on Optis

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Clothing and Photo Orders due Thursday

2. demain jour 4

3. Math Test Patterns Tomorrow

4. DARE essay

Monday, November 17, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. School Lunch Orders due Tomorrow

3. Clothing Orders due Thursday

4. Math Test Wednesday
Unit 3 Patterns

Friday, November 14, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Clothing Order, DARE Note

2. Dare Graduation December 3rd at 9am
Work on DARE Essay

3. Math Finish Review Sheets
Test November 19th

4. lundi jour 2: musique/education physique

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Demain jour 1

3. Dare Graduation December 3rd at 9am
Start thinking of Ideas for  Dare Essay

4. Finish Math Review Booklet
Math test November 19th

5. Science

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: School Lunch Orders due November 18th
Clothing Orders

2. Demain jour 7: DARE, musique/education physique

3. Math Test November 19th
Review Notes and and Worksheet on Equivalent Equations with the 4 Operations

4. Book Orders due tomorrow

Friday, November 7, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Clothing Order

2. mercredi jour 6

3. Math: Finish Modelling Equations Worksheet
Test on November 19th
Patterns, Pattern Rules
Algebraic Expressions, Equivalent Equations

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. demain jour 5: musique/education physique

3. Math Finish first 3 pages of Booklet

4. Science Finish Chart

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: DARE, Clothing Order, Book Fair Note

2. Demain jour 4

3.  Finish Math Worksheet
Pattern Rules and Expressions

4. Science

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Clothing Order, Book Fair Note

2. demain jour 3: DARE

3. Math to be completed from last class

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 

2. vendredi: jour 7 musique/education physique

3. Math: 
Complete p.14 #s 4, 5 and p. 29 #4

4. Halloween Fair Friday Afternoon

5. PD Day Monday

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Note for Vaccinations

2. jeudi: jour 6

3. Math: 
Complete Booklet: Pattern Rules and Expressions

4. Halloween Fair Friday Afternoon

Monday, October 27, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Note for Vaccinations
Play Note

2. mardi: jour 4

3. Practice for Halloween Play
Bring in Costume

4. Science Test October 29th

5. Sign and Return Math Test
Math: Complete Problem of the Day

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Note for Vaccinations
Play Note
No school Friday

2. lundi: jour 3

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Science Test October 29th

5. Sign and Return Math Test
Math: Finish Booklet and Bonus Problem

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Note for Vaccinations
Photo Forms due Tomorrow
No school Friday

2. jeudi: jour 1

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Science Test October 29th

5. Sign and Return Math Test

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Note for Vaccinations
Photo Forms

2. mercredi jour 7: musique/education physique

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Science Test October 29th

Monday, October 20, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders 
(due Tomorrow no late orders)
Money for Ghost Pins

2. mardi jour 6

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Math:Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations

5. Science Test October 29th

Friday, October 17, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes:
Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders
Money for Ghost Pins

2. lundi jour 5: musique/education physique

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Math:Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations

5. Science Test October 29th

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes:
Permission Slip for Friday Sportsfest
Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders
Money for Ghost Pins

2. vendredi jour 4

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Math:Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations

5. Science Test October 29th

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes:
Permission Slip for Friday Sportsfest
Photo Packages
School Lunch Orders
Money for Ghost Pins

2. jeudi jour 3: Pajamarama 
(bring donation if you would like)

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Math: 
Finish p. 92 #s 1, 2, 4 and p. 96 #s 2, 5, 6
Math Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations

5. Science Test October 29th

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes:
Permission Slip for Friday 
Go Girls
Photo Packages

2. mercredi jour 2: musique/education physique

3. Practice for Halloween Play

4. Math: 
Finish p. 92 #s 1, 2, 4 and p. 96 #s 2, 5, 6
Math Test October 21st
Factors, Prime/Composite, Integers, Order of Operations

Friday, October 10, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Permission Slip for next Friday

2. mardi jour 1

3. Practice the Halloween Play

4. Math Test October 21 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Go Girls, Walk to School

2. demain jour 6

3. Practice Halloween Play

4. Finish Math Worksheets on Multiples

5. Science

Monday, October 6, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Walk to School

2. demain jour 4

3. Math: 
Finish Factors Worksheet and p. 80 1, 2

4. Science

5. Practice Play

Friday, October 3, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. lundi jour 3

3. Math Finish Work on Prime and Composite

4. A pratiquer: le spectacle d'Halloween

5. Science: Jot Notes

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. demain jour 2: musique/education physique

3. Math Finish Sheet: Prime and Composite

4. Science

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. demain jour 1

3. Math Finish Questions on Factors

4. Science

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Newsletter, School Lunch

2. demain jour 7: musique/education physique

3. Math: 
Show the factors of 32 with a Factor Rainbow, Arrays and Multiplication Sentences

Monday, September 29, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Get Math Test Signed

2. demain jour 6

3. Math: Show the factors of 36 and 18 in a factor rainbow, array and with multiplication sentences

Friday, September 26, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Get Math Quiz Signed
**Start Practicing Multiplication Facts**

3. lundi jour 5: musique/education physique

4. Science (if not passed in)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Terry Fox Walk Permission
Wear clothes for walking

2. demain jour 4

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Terry Fox Walk Form needs to be signed and returned.

2. demain jour 3

3. Math Quiz Tomorrow
Decimals, Place Value, Word Form, Number Word Form, Base 10 Blocks

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Terry Fox Walk

2. Picture Day Tomorrow

3. Math Quiz Thursday
Go Over Review

4. demain jour 2
musique/education physique

Friday, September 19, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. lundi jour 7: musique/education phsique

3. Math: Mini-Quiz Decimals Thursday
Sign and Return Math Quiz 1

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. demain jour 6

3. Math Finish Worksheet on Decimals

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. mardi Jour 3

3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*

4. Math 
Review Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Memo about School Lunch

2. lundi Jour 2: musique/education physique

3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*

4. Math 
Review Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Return Data Form
Memo about Curriculum Night

2. Demain Jour 1

3. School Lunch Order due September 16th
*Late Orders not Accepted*

4. Curriculum Night Tonight
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm

4. Math 
Finish Number Line Worksheet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Return Data Form
Memo about Curriculum Night

2. Demain Jour 7: musique/education physique

3. Curriculum Night Thursday Night
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm

4. Math 
Finish p. 48, 49 1, 2, 3, 9
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Return Data Form

2. Demain Jour 6

3. Curriculum Night Thursday Night
Elementary Presentation at 7:30pm

4. Math Finish Booklet
Quiz Wednesday September 17th
Numbers to the Millions and Billions
(first half of Chapter 2 in text)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: 
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band

2. mardi Jour 5: Gym/Music

3.Bring a Painting Shirt (old shirt)

4. Math Worksheet on Decimal Notation

5. Curriculum Night Thursday 7-8pm
Elementary at 7:30 pm

Friday, September 5, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: 
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band

2. lundi Jour 4: bring a Painting Shirt (old shirt)

3. DARE starts Monday morning

4. Math Finish p. 38 #s 1, 2, 3

5. Curriculum Night Next Thursday

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: 
Bus, School Lunch, Newsletter, Media Consent, Band

2. Demain Jour 3

3. DARE starts Monday morning

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Welcome to Grade 6

2. Notes

3. School Supplies

4. Gym/Music Tomorrow

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Science read Lesson 10

4. Health read pages 106-112

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Hershey

2. Tomorrow Day 6

3. Provincial Assessments Finished

4. Friday Afternoon - Weather Permitting
We will go outside for the afternoon. 
Bring a small snack if you wish.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Hershey

2. Tomorrow Day 5 Gym/Music

3. Last Day for Provincial Assessments

4. Friday Afternoon - Weather Permitting
We will go outside for the afternoon. 
Bring a small snack if you wish.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: 
Hershey Form, Provincial Assessment Form

2. Tomorrow Day 4

3. Finish The Giver Response

Monday, June 9, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 3

3. Start of Provincial Math Assessments 

4. Cafeteria Service ends Friday

Friday, June 6, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Monday Day 2

3. Math Review
(Provincial Assessments begin Tuesday)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 1: Skipping Performance at 1pm

3. Math - Review from the Year
(Provincial Assessments Next Week)

4. Science - Finish Electricity Worksheets

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 7: Gym/Music

3. Math: 
p.330, 331 #s 1, 2, 5, 6
p. 333 #1

4. Science - Read Lessons 6 and 7

5. Health - Finish Response

Monday, June 2, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Photo Forms

2. Tomorrow Day 5
(if not Sports Day: Gym/Music)

3. Possible Sports Day (Bring Recess and Lunch)
*Sunscreen and Dress in Layers*

4. Math Finish Booklet on Probability

Friday, May 30, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Monday Day 4

3. Softball Throw for Hershey on Monday

4. Review Health Ch. 4

5. Possible Sports Day Tuesday June 3rd

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 3: Gym/Music

3. Bring Snack for Afternoon

4. Review Health Ch. 4

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Hershey

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math - Finish Worksheet

4. Review Ch. 4 Health
Assignment Monday

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Hershey Try Outs Thursday

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Science read Lesson 5

Friday, May 23, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Monday Pd Day No School

3. Tuesday Day 7 Gym/Music

4. Finish Math work on Classifying Triangles
p. 352 1., 2., 3., 4.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music

3. No School Monday PD day

4. Science Read Lesson 4

5. Finish Presenting Religion Projects

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Les Devoirs


2. Tomorrow Day 4: Band, Buddy Reading

3. Finish Presenting Religion

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Religion Projects:
To be presented starting tomorrow 

4. Science Read Lesson 3 in Text

Thursday, May 15, 2014

les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 1 - Library/Computer Lab

3. Science read Lessons 1&2

4. Religion Project - 
Make sure to get permission if you plan on cooking

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music

3. Get Math and Science Tests signed

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 6

3. Rotary Tomorrow Afternoon

4. Finish Health Crossword

Monday, May 12, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music

3. Math Test Tomorrow Angles

4. Finish Health Crossword Chapter 4

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Math Finish First 2 Pages of Review

4. Math Test Tuesday: Angles

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 2: Band

3. Science Test Tomorrow

4. Math Finish Missing Measures: Quadrilaterals
(page 3 No Protractor Required)
Add up 3 angles, subtract from 360. That is the missing measurement

5. Math Test Next Tuesday
Types of Angles
Measuring and Drawing Angles
The Angles in a Triangle and Quadrilateral 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow PD Day (no school)
Wednesday Day 1

3. Science Test Thursday May 8th
Lessons 1-9

4. Math - 
Finish First 3 pages of Problem Solving Booklet

Friday, May 2, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Monday Day 6

3. Health read pages 84-89

4. Finish Math Booklet on Angles

5. Science Test Thursday May 8th

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Photo Form

2. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music

3. Science Test May 8th Lesson 1-9

4. Health read pages 78-83

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Science Test Space May 8th
(lessons 1-9)

3. Math Finish Benchmark- Estimating Angles 
in Booklet

4. Tomorrow Day 4

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Science Test May 8th
Study Guide Given Today
(Lessons 1-9)

3. Tomorrow Day 3 Gym/Music 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Science Read Lesson 9
Test Unit 3: Space May 8th
Lessons 1-9
(Study Guide will be given out tomorrow)

3. Tomorrow Day 2 (Band)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 6

3. Band Students: Practice!!!

4. Math Quiz Division Tomorrow
Finish p. 320 #s 12, 13

Monday, April 14, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music

3. Math Finish Review #2
Practice Multiplication Facts
Quiz on Wednesday

4. For Media Literacy with QR Codes:
Bring in Smartphones, ipods, ipads with i-nigma
(only need one per group)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave, Badminton

2. Tomorrow Day 3: Gym/Music

3. Math - Finish first 2 pages of Review
Quiz Wednesday (division)
Practice Multiplication Facts

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave, Badminton

2. Math: Finish first 3 pages of Division Booklet
*Practice Multiplication Facts!!!!*
Math Quiz Next Wednesday (Division)

3. Science read Lesson 8 in text

4. Tomorrow Day 2

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Math - Practice Multiplication Facts
(You NEED to know them!!!)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 7: Music/Gym

3. Practice Long Division (3 Problems)

4. Finish Religion Response

Friday, April 4, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave

2. Monday Day 6

3. Math: Finish Estimating Quotients (4 problems)

4. Get Math Test Signed

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

les devoirs

1. Notes:Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Dress Rehearsal for Concert in the Afternoon (Bring your outfit to change into)
-Outfits from 1950s

3. Concert Tomorrow Night 7pm

4. Band Practice

Monday, March 31, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math Quiz Tuesday
(if storm day, quiz will be Wednesday)

4. Practice Lines for Concert

Friday, March 28, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave

2. Monday Day 1

3. Math: Multiplication Quiz Tuesday

4. Science: Read Lesson 7

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets, Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music

3. Math Multiplication Test Tuesday
Practice Multiplication Facts
Finish Problem Solving Booklets 1 & 2

4. Breadwinner Projects Due Monday

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Concert Tickets

2. Tomorrow Day 6

3. Math Quiz Tuesday
Finish #1 Booklet (a to e)

4. Practice Concert Parts

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
Kiss and Ride
Concert Tickets

2. Math:
Multiplication Quiz postponed until next Tuesday
Practice Multiplication Facts

3. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music

Friday, March 21, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes:
Shave for the Brave
Field Trip
Kiss and Ride

2. Monday Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Math
Review Multiplication Facts
Test on Multiplication Friday, March 28
Math p. 298 6, 8, 10

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave
Field Trip Form

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math p. 298 #s 4, 5
Practice Math Multiplication Facts 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Math Homework from Last Night

4. Science read Lesson 5

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Shave for the Brave

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music

3. Math p. 293-294 #s 1, 3, 5, 6, 8

4. Supplies for Breadwinner Project

Friday, March 14, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tuesday Day 6 (Monday Holiday)

3. Breadwinner Projects:
Bring in Supplies if needed

4. Get Math Test Signed

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 5

3. Breadwinner Project 
(Pick Project/Get Supplies)

4. Sweat - a - thon Assembly 1:35

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 4
Early Dismissal for Interviews

3. Sign Up for Interviews

4. Starting Breadwinner Projects Tomorrow  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Report Cards (return envelopes)

2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Pick Breadwinner Project

4. Sign Up for Interviews

Monday, March 10, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math Test Tomorrow

4. Pick Breadwinner Project
(Get Supplies if needed)

Friday, March 7, 2014

les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Math Test Tuesday

3. Monday Day 1

4. Pick Breadwinner Project

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Forms Due

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
80s Day

3. Religion read The Healing Circle (starts on page 124). Work on Questions.

4. Math Test Tuesday

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon Friday

2. Math Test Tuesday Fractions

3. Tomorrow Day 6

4. Finish Social Studies Chart 
Dreams, Hopes and Challenges

5. Finish Breadwinner Question

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: 
Parent Teacher Interviews

2. Tomorrow Day 5: Gym/Music

3. Math: Finish Problem Solving Booklet
Test on Fractions Tuesday, March 11

4. Finish Health Response

Monday, March 3, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Sweat-a-thon 
Friday Afternoon

3. Tomorrow Day 4

4. Finish Wordle

5. Math - 
Finish first 3 pages of Problem Solving Booklet

Friday, February 28, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet
Sweat-a-thon Friday, March 7th

2. Monday Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Religion - Read pages 41-46

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon, Pledge Sheet

2. Tomorrow Day 2

3. Math - Finish Fraction Booklet

4. Science - Read Lesson 4

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Finish Breadwinner Response

4. Finish Religion Response 
(on "The Crescent Moon" )

5. Math: Finish first 3 pages of Problem Solving Booklet

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music

3. Religion read pages 47-53

4. Science read Lesson 3

5. Health - Finish response on Setting Goals

Friday, February 21, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Monday: Olympics Activities
Come Prepared with gym and outdoor clothing

3. Wear Colours of your Country

4. Finish Factors that Shape Culture Worksheet

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Grade Six Olympic Activities
In case outside, bring coat, boots, gloves, hat

3. Torch Run CANADA!!!!!

4. Toilet Tissue Rolls

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheets

2. Bring in Toilet Tissue Roll

3. Math Test Tomorrow
*Bring Home Review

4. Torch Run Japan

5. Grade Six Olympic Activities Thursday

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music
Opening Ceremony: Wear Colours of Flag
Bring Toilet Tissue Roll

3. Math Test Next Wednesday
Finish Sheet On Number Lines

4. Read Religion pages 22-30

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Pledge Sheet

2. Tomorrow Day 6

3. Religion read pages 14-21

4. Italy Torch Run

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Sweat-a-thon

2. Tomorrow Day 5 Gym/Music

3. Math Test Next Wednesday
Finish Number Line

4. Torch Run Norway

Monday, February 10, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Olympic Torch Run Begins Tomorrow at Lunch
*Russia Tomorrow*

3. Public Speaking Thursday at 7pm

4. Bring Toilet Tissue Roll

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Public Speaking Presentations Tomorrow

4. Friday PD Day

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 7: Gym/Music

3. Math Finish first two sheets in Booklet

4. Social Studies Finish Worksheet

5. Bring in extra folders/exercises if needed

6. Presenting Speeches Thursday

Monday, February 3, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Bring in extra folders/exercises if needed

3. Math Finish Worksheet on Ratios

4. Social Studies - Finish Worksheet (on parts of the textbook)

5. Tomorrow Day 6

Friday, January 31, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Monday Day 5 - Gym/Music

3. Starting English Block: 
Bring in New Folders and Exercises if Needed

4. Get Science Test Signed 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Science Test Tomorrow 

4. Math - p. 184-185 1, 2, 5, 6, 10

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 2 

3. Math Finish Booklet on Ratios

4. Science Test Thursday

5. Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 5pm

6. Bring in Money for Book

Monday, January 27, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes

2. Tomorrow Day 1

3. Math - Finish Phone Number Ratios 
Get Math In Class Signed

4. Science Test Thursday

Friday, January 24, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Forms

2. Monday Day 7 - Gym/Music

3. Science Study for Test

4. Get Math In Class Signed

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form

2. Tomorrow Day 6: Paper Airplane Challenge

3. Science - Study for Test

4. Public Speaking Research

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form

2. Tomorrow Day 5 - Gym/Music

3. Public Speaking Research

4. Science Test - Next Thursday
**Start Studying**

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form

2. Author Presentation

3. Math In Class Tomorrow

4. Tomorrow Day 4

5. Public Speaking Research

6. Science Test: Flight-January 30th 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Forms

2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Public Speaking Research

4. Math - Work on Review
In class on Wednesday

Friday, January 17, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form

2. Monday Day 2

3. Public Speaking: Choose a Topic
(Do Research at home if you want)

4. Loser Novel Study due January 17th

5. Math In Class Wednesday

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form

2. Novel Study Due Tomorrow

3. Math In Class Assignment Motion Geometry
Next Wednesday 

4. Late Immersion Meeting Tonight

5. Tomorrow Day 1

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: Late Immersion Forms

2. Late Immersion Meeting Thursday at 7pm

3. Novel Study Due Friday

4. Tomorrow Day 7 - Gym/Music

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form

2. Late Immersion Meeting Thursday, January 16th at 7pm (District School)

3. Math - page 149 #2
Review Notes on Rotations

4. Tomorrow Day 6

5. Loser Novel Study Due Friday

Monday, January 13, 2014

les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form 
(Meeting Tomorrow Night at District School)

2. Math - 
Finish 3 Questions on Translations and Reflections

3. Tomorrow Day 5: Music/ Gym

4. Loser Novel Study Due Friday

Friday, January 10, 2014

Les devoirs

1. Notes: French Immersion Form

2. Monday Day 4 Buddy Reading

3. Loser Novel Study

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Les Devoirs

1. Notes: Late Immersion Form

2. Tomorrow Day 3 - Gym/Music

3. Science Read Lesson 8