1. Notes
- Note from Mr. Fitz
- Play Note
2. Wednesday Day 5
3. ***Review Halloween Play (memorize part)***
Remember Costume for Play and afternoon
4. Auction Items
5. Scholastic Book Orders due Friday
6. Math - p. 10, 11 #s 2, 3, 4
1. Notes
- Note from Mr. Fitz
- Play Note
2. Tuesday Day 4
3. ***Review Halloween Play (memorize part)***
4. Auction Items
5. Scholastic Book Orders due Friday
1. Notes
- Note from Mr. Fitz
- Play Note
2. Monday Day 3 Gym/Music
3. ***Review Halloween Play (memorize part)***
4. Auction Items
1. Notes
- Note from Mr. Fitz
- Play Note
2. Friday Day 23. ***Review Halloween Play (memorize part)***
4. Auction Items
1. Notes
- Note from Mr. Fitz
- BOGO cards
2. Thursday Day 1 - Gym/Music
3. Science - Finish Worksheet
4. Math Test - Thursday October 25th- Factors, Prime/Composite, Multiples, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Review Halloween Play (memorize part)
6. Auction Items
1. Notes
- Note from Mr. Fitz
- BOGO cards
2. Wednesday Day 7 - Healthy Living
3. Science - Finish Worksheet
4. Math Test - Thursday October 25th- Factors, Prime/Composite, Multiples, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Review Halloween Play (memorize part)
6. Auction Items
1. Notes
2. Tuesday Day 6 - Gym/Music
3. Science - Arthropod Project was due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
4. Math Test - Thursday October 25th- Factors, Prime/Composite, Multiples, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Review Halloween Play (memorize part)
6. Auction Items
1. Notes
2. Monday Day 5
3. Science - Arthropod Project was due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
4. Math Test - Thursday October 25th
- Factors, Prime/Composite, Multiples, Integers, Order of Operations
5. Review Halloween Play
6. Auction Items
1. Notes
2. Friday Day 4
3. Science - Arthropod Project was due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
4. Math Test - Thursday October 25th
5. Review Halloween Play
6. Auction Items
1. Notes
- Photo Packages Due
- Note from Mr. Fitz
2. Thursday Day 3 - Gym/Music DARE
3. Science - Arthropod Project due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
4. Math Test - Thursday October 25th
5. Review Halloween Play
1. Notes
- Photo Packages Due tomorrow
2. Wednesday Day 2
3. Science - Arthropod Project due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
4. Bring in $2 for Ghost Pins5. Math - First 3 pages of booklet
6. Review Halloween Play
1. Notes
2. Tuesday Day 1 Gym/Music
3. Science - Arthropod Project due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
4. Bring in $2 for Ghost Pins
5. Math p. 80 #s 2 & 4
6. Review Halloween Play
1. Notes
2. Monday Day 7
Healthy Living
3. Bring in Halloween Decorations if you would like
4. Science - Arthropod Project due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
5. Bring in $2 for Ghost Pins
6. Review Halloween Play
1. Notes
2. No School Tomorrow - Friday Day 6
Healthy Commotion Day3. Bring in Halloween Decorations if you would like
4. Science - Arthropod Project due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
5. Science - Read Lessons 76. Bring in $2 for Ghost Pins7. Review Halloween Play
8. Math p. 72 1, 2, 3
1. Notes
2. Tomorrow Day 4
3. Bring in Halloween Decorations if you would like
4. Science - Arthropod Project due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
5. Science - Read Lessons 6
6. Bring in $2 for Ghost Pins
7. Review Halloween Play
1. Notes
2. Gym/Music
3. Bring in Halloween Decorations if you would like
4. Science - Arthropod Project due October 12
(Creepy Crawly)
5. Scholastic due October 9
(in consideration of a few student requests)
1. Notes
2. Items for Food Bank
3. Tomorrow Day 2
4. Math In-Class Assignment
5. Bring in Halloween Decorations if you would like
6. Science Creepy Crawly Research
(Project extended until October12)
7. Thanksgiving Assembly
1. Notes
2. Scholastic due Friday
3. Math In-Class Assignment Friday
4. Tomorrow Day 1 - Gym/Music
5. Science Research - Project Should be finished by October 8th
(brief write up on chosen arthropod and a visual/illustration)
6. Bring in Halloween Decorations if you would like
1. Notes
- Vaccination Consent
- Survey
- Media Consent
2. Scholastic due Friday
3. Tomorrow Day 7 - Healthy Living
4. Math In-class Assignment on Friday (to finish Chapter 1)
- Decimals
- Place Value Charts
- Standard, Number-Word, Word Form
- Representing Decimals with Base 10 Blocks
- Which number is Greatest?
5. Science - Creepy Crawly Research
1. Notes
- vaccination consent
- media form
- survey form
2. Scholastic Due Friday
3. Math- Decimal Work
(Standard Form, Number Word-Form, Place Value Charts, Representations with Base 10 Blocks)
In class assignment on Friday to conclude chapter (decimals only).
4. Tomorrow Day 6: Gym/Music
5. Science - Creepy Crawly Research